Monday, September 9, 2019

STOP the Anti-Aging, Anti-Wrinkle Propaganda

I'm back on the soap box and waving the flag about the massive consumer driven, self-esteem lowering, propaganda that is used on us, especially as we age, to buy, buy, buy.

Business Website with galleries and lots of other information:

Bridal Website loaded with images and information for all ages

Going Gray? Join the discussion and support on Facebook

General Beauty Tips for any age:

1- Instant Wrinkle Reducer™

2- Kollagen Intensiv™ - Accelerate Your NATURAL Collagen Production In Just 84 Days

3- Illuminatural6i™ Advanced Skin Lightener

4-Dermefface FX 7™ - Scar Reduction Therapy

5- ClearPores - Improve the way you look

6- Phyto350 - Fill In Wrinkles From the Inside Out!

7- Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy - Visibly Reduce The Appearance Of Stretch Marks

8- Age-Defying Eye Therapy - Get Rid Of Crow's Feet, Laugh Lines And Dark Circles

9- Rosacea Relief Serum - Long-Term Relief For Dry, Itchy And Inflamed Facial Skin

10- Argan Oil - Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil

11- Feel Better. Look Better. Live Better.

12- Hersolution Booty Sculpt System - The Complete Sculpt, Firming & Smoothing Anit-Aging System

14- Stop Grow™ - Say Goodbye to Unwanted Body Hair!

15- GenF20™ - Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH

16- GenFX™ - Live Your Life to the Fullest with GenFX


  1. Yay!! someone with enough guts to come out and say something!! I agree wholeheartedly!! Thanks Sharon!! you just drag out that soapbox any time you want!! XO

  2. Amen Sister! There's a animated movie out right now about the ugly dolls! Kelly Clarkson sings the title song "I'M BROKEN AND I'M BEAUTIFUL" such a great title song! I TOO AM ON MY SOAPBOX FOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND EQUALITY! IF WE LIVE; WE AGE! Part of the deal! I too am sick of the lies the industry speaks!! We are here to embrace life and to love! That includes ourselves!! Bless you for speaking the truth!!

  3. Well said! Thank you. This is a message I needed to hear.

  4. I readily admit I’m getting older and better. Personally the alternative ain’t great. I earned my stripes and I am loving life.

  5. We just want to be the “Best We Can Be”, and that’s good enough for every stage of life. Well said, Sharon. Btw, Love your videos. Thank you so much, ❤️

  6. Well said. Sharon I just love my grey/white hair I have never followed or believed in miracle creams just old fashioned sun screen and it worked for me Love you Wee videos ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€

  7. words to live by!!! Absolutely LOVED this video. not buying into the anti wrinkle anti aging products. I feel the same as you I have earned every darn mark indentation on my body.

  8. Yes!!! Way to go Sharon!!! I am so sick of the anti-aging, anti-wrinkle propaganda too!!! It is ridiculous!!! I have been suckered into that garbage and it doesn't work anyway. We need to change our thinking. We should embrace every wrinkle because it shows we have LIVED!!!

  9. Bravo! The only counter I will visit in department stores any more is Clinic. They are the only ones that I have found that emphasis a lighter natural touch to skin care and makeup .Their products are allergy free ,and so lightweight and gentle. Using their products does not make me feel like I'm putting on a " mask" of makeup every morning ,just love looking like a better ME. Thank you .You are as lovely as you are wise.

  10. I Love to listen to you, You are very wise. but I feel the same way. Love your gray hair, trying to get the rest of my hair gray instead of looking like a skunk...Lol.

  11. AMEN SISTER๐Ÿ‘ I am with you on this.... i will be writing and speaking to those about the beautiful stage in our lives as wiser and older beautiful women and i never buy anti-aging anything i have embraced my gray hair and looks.... i just need help in polishing up my day wear๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. Great topic and opinion for soap-boxing. I agree!

  13. Read this in 2016.... Thank you. Now the fashion industry needs a wake up call!

  14. Amen sister! Tell it, 'cause no one else dares! Love your message. It builds up each of us not to run from the stage we are at but to embrace it. You're like a voice calling out in the wilderness and it's both refreshing and inspirational. Thank you!

  15. I am so glad to hear this. Thank you ! I have many badges and very fine and thin hair and I have decided to let it go GRAY !!!!!

  16. Aloha Sharon! I like the words "Vibrant Aging" vs "Anti-aging." I know I can't keep wrinkles and lines and falling jowls away forever, but I can love luminous skin and nicely applied makeup or none at all. It's always about choice and being aware of why we do the things we do. For myself? Or to please someone else? Malama pono and have a beautiful and blessed day. :)))

  17. I dont buy magazines - I don't measure myself against others - HOWEVER , I have been fanatical about caring for my skin all my life . I am 56 . Yesterday , my daughters friend who hasn't seen me for 17 years visited - she was aghast - I looked " the same" whilst her own mother had "aged: in comparison .  Caring about  how you look isn't a crime and  you can  only spend what you can afford to spend - some can afford more than others  - thats not a crime either . With regards to "cruelty free/" - if the company sells their products in China  , or its been made in China , its been tested on animals because in China , its the law . Who do you think pays for that testing ? The company .  I look at pictures of my Mum at 56 and me at 56 - theres a good  20  years disparity there .  Why is that ? Product and education and a life less stressed than my Mum's was .

  18. Love this Sharon! However, I'm embarrassed to say that I've fallen victim to all this nonsense! I'm only 39, but I feel like I'm not aging well at all. I've already entered menopause, started graying when I was in my late teens and I know I look a good 5 years older. I feel very self conscious.It consumes me at all times, and I know it's wrong. I have a husband who is in love with me and still treats me as the beautiful 22 year old he married, and 3 beautiful kids who love me. I just want to enjoy living, instead of feeling like there's something wrong with me all the time.Thank you for taking a stand and inspiring others love themselves in whatever stage they're in. I'll try my best to take a stand as well! Keep these awesome videos coming! ๐Ÿ‘

  19. Hi Sharon! Just set up a google account so I could post a comment and subscribe to your channel. Am so glad you got on your soapbox!! I have been feeling this way for a while about the "anti-aging" business. I also refuse to buy "anti-aging" products. There is nothing wrong with getting older, sure beats the alternative!!! I too just want to look my best for the age I am now. Presently 3 months into my journey of transitioning to silver. I think it is going to look fabulous! Looking at your beautiful hair really helps keep me motivated. Great channel...Luv Michelle

  20. I believe it's okay to try and be the best you can be, which includes eating right, exercise, exfoliating, moisturizing and sunblock. If it makes you happy, go for it. Surely none of use are naive enough to believe a $100 cream will turn back the clock. If you are wealthy, lasers and surgeries can take years off, but they can look fake be dangerous, aka Joan Rivers. If we're lucky, we'll all turn 80 and be healthy and happy. I do believe lighter colors look better on the lips as we age and less foundation because it gathers in the crevices. Gray hair is great to embrace especially when it is complete like yours. When it's sticking out like wires in my brown hair..not so pretty. Color makes me feel better.

  21. You are absolutely fabulous! Continue inspiring people with your intrinsic beauty. I am merely in my twenties, however, I aspire to one day be as graceful and knowledgeable as you. Wonderful videos.
